Saturday, August 14, 2010

How to Detect Mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma, what a awful name!! It is actually a cancer which affects the most important part of the respiratory system-lungs. The primary cause for this type of cancer is an exposure to asbestos. This article will explain you, some symptoms to detect mesothelioma.

1. Keep a notice of pleural mesothelioma. The pleural is a cavity in our body in which lings are fixed. Mesothelioma primarily attacks this cavity first. The pleural mesothelioma symptoms are: short breathing period, lungs surrounded by fluid, tiredness and breathlessness. If you have the experience of these symptoms, you should to your doctor immediately in order to start a proper treatment.

2. Keep an eye on any tumors that are getting developed inside the abdominal cavity. In case of non-diagnosis, the spread of this cancer is first in these abdominal cavities. The abdomen tumor in the development phase can show following symptoms- abdominal pain, abdomen fluid, visible weight loss, bowel function irregularity and ill-functioning, and a growth in the abdomen. In case of such symptoms, doctors advice is immediately required. The early detection and proper treatment can prevent this disease from further spread.

3. The late stage of the mesothelioma has symptoms such as blood clots, bleeding inside some organs, low blood sugar level and most commonly, pulmonary embolism.

If you are also being exposed to asbestos at your work place, or home, then do not ignore minor symptoms. Consult doctor immediately. Early detection is the most important remedy for mesothelioma cancer. 

I will be providing Health and Fitness Tips Time to time.. Till then follow these...

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