Monday, August 2, 2010

How to get rid of Dandruff?

Is dandruff on the top of your head every time you walk out of your home…??
Here are some tips which will help you to forget about dandruff and think of better things in life.

Dandruff is a condition in which dead skin in form of snowflakes are cast off by the scalp. It makes you scared of wearing dark clothes. It is very common and may occur due to improper diet, irregularity in hair wash and improper washing off shampoo, use of various hair gels, conditioners and sprays, change in climatic conditions, also due to stress and hormonal changes, fungal infections etc.

Take it seriously; ignoring dandruff may lead to itchier scalp and even it can cause hair fall.

For modest dandruff it is advisable to wash your hair more frequently i.e. twice or thrice a week. Medicated Anti-dandruff shampoo can be used as an alternative to regular shampoo but this should be used as per directed by the hair expert. A cup of White vinegar and water mixed together can be applied on scalp, rinse thoroughly and then let your hair dry normally this is a splendid solution for dandruff. 
Say goodbye to dandruff and enjoy healthy scalp!!!

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